Puritas Springs Software
Official Bankruptcy Forms for Individual Bankruptcies is a 32 bit application for preparing bankruptcy petitions and supporting schedules and forms. It comes in Windows and Mac versions. See the end of this page for compatibility, software and hardware requirements.
Official Bankruptcy Form's Main Window is your Map Quest roadmap for processing an individual bankruptcy petition. From top to bottom, from beginning to end, the outline or tree view (the shaded panel on the left) logically organizes the data entry process by building on information entered in prior levels.
1. Voluntary Petition—This link provides access to the Voluntary Petition. Information that is repeated on other schedules and forms (i.e., the debtor's name(s), the bankruptcy court, etc.) automatically populates the remaining forms. Of course, that's why this Step 1--and excellent place to start.
2. Name and Save File—A general rule about saving is "early and often." That's why this second step reminds you and provides access to the Save As dialog.
3. Select Exemption File—Before you start on the schedules, it's a good idea to select an exemption file to be used when completing the remaining forms, especially Schedule C.
4. Schedules—The schedules are the heart of the bankruptcy. They set forth all the debtor's property, claimed exemptions and outstanding debts. There are no black boxes (a black box is an area where you enter information and then wonder how the application is going to use it) or worksheets. You simply select the schedule you wish to complete (A through J) and enter the information where you want it to appear in the completed petition. Of course all the math is performed automatically and you have direct access to exemption law (to help with Schedule C) and the master creditor database (for pasting common creditor information like name and address). Again, page totals, subtotals and summaries all complete themselves.
5. Statement of Affairs—This step provides access to every and any page of the multi-page statement (Form 107). Like the schedules, there's no worksheet or black boxes. Just do it!
6. Statement of Intentions—Like the Statement of Affairs, you make your entries directly on Form 108
7. Means Test—This link is your gateway to Forms 122A-1, 122A-1 Supplement, 122A-2, 122C-1, and 122C-2. Associated statistics published by the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Census Bureau is handled automatically.
8. Miscellaneous Forms—This step provides access to those other forms you'll need to include when you file your petition, i.e., Form 101A & B regarding pending evictions, Form 103A & B regarding waiver of bankruptcy fees, Form 121 concerning confidential social security number information, and 423 - the debtor course certification.
9. Select Any Form— Regardless of how organized you and your client are, you'll always need to review and correct a form or two. This link allows you to view and modify any or all of the forms in the collection. You'll find it handy for jumping to individual pages of multi-page forms as an alternative to repeated paging.
10. Electronic Filing—This final step lets you create you PDF file (assuming you have Microsoft Word or an alternative PDF-making application), as well as creating the creditor matrix, and the ECF file (if your jurisdiction requires one--and most don't).
Official Bankruptcy Forms comes with just about all the forms you'll need to file your bankruptcy petition. In some jurisdictions, a local form or two may be required, however, because your entire petition and schedules are previewed in your word processor, you're always able to add whatever forms or other documents (i.e., scanned exhibits, etc.) to your petition with ease.
Official Bankruptcy Forms comes in Windows and Mac versions and is compatible with the following operating systems:
Windows - Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.
Mac OSX - Versions 10.8 and higher.
Microsoft Word. The Mac version requires Microsoft Word. The Windows version does not.
PDF Making Capability. If you have Microsoft Word you will be able to save your bankruptcy forms as in a PDF format for filing by using Microsoft Word's PDF-making capability. That means if you are using the Windows version and do not have Microsoft Word available, it will be necessary for your to obtain PDF-generating software separately.